In English

Brochure in English

The Finnish Association for Persons with Intolerance to Fragrance and Chemicals

• Functions as an interest group for persons with intolerance to fragrance and chemicals

• Supports the patients and organizes peer meetings

• Informs about intolerance to fragrance and chemicals

• The Association is politically independent and national.

All persons with fragrance and chemical intolerance, their family members and others interested in the issue are welcome to join the Association. Together we are strong and will regain faith in the future.

Some of us are intolerant to fragrances or other chemicals

Chemical intolerances are an increasing problem also in Finland. The underlying cause of the illness is unknown, but research is under way. The degree of the intolerance varies from person to person. Some of

the patients may lead a normal life as long as they donÙt use fragrances themselves, whereas others react to such small amounts that e.g. chemicals from detergents or perfumes in the environment are enough to cause severe symptoms.

What kind of symptoms do the intolerant have?

Fragrance and chemical intolerance can manifest itself in many ways. Typical symptoms are headache, nausea, eye-, mucosa-, skin- and respiratory symptoms as well as many general symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. At their worst the symptoms completely prevent work or leisure activities in an environment with irritating substances. When the intolerant arenÙt exposed to chemicals, they are symptomless and feel well.

Pure indoor air is vital to the fragrance and chemical intolerant

There is no cure for this condition yet, although some medical treatments may relieve the symptoms. The best way to reduce the symptoms is avoiding exposure to irritant substances. Therefore the purity of outdoor and indoor air is important to the chemically intolerant. Pure indoor air doesnÙt only mean effective ventilation, but also avoiding the use of chemicals indoors as much as possible. It is worth while for an intolerant person to prefer fragrance-free products and low-emission M1-class materials. Moisture damages should always be repaired at an early stage, because exposure to mold may cause or exacerbate the intolerance. The intolerant can also use personal masks to protect themselves.

You can help the intolerant

If a person near you is intolerant to fragrances, you can help them by using fragrance-free products and by keeping irritant substances away from them. Fragrant flowers or any scented product can make the intolerant feel ill. It is advisable to bring the issue up frankly with them and take up a natural attitude towards the possible protection methods. One can become intolerant to fragrances and chemicals only by exposure, therefore it is always important to reduce the chemical burden of the environment. By refraining from the use of unnecessary chemicals, you can avoid health problems.

Contact information of the association:

The Finnish Association for Persons with Intolerance to Fragrance and Chemicals


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